Mental Health Awareness in the Entertainment Industry


Shockingly high levels of burnout, anxiety, depression and suicide are reported among those working in the entertainment industry across the UK, North America and Australia. But then, it’s easy to understand why – work in the entertainment industry can be an absolute nightmare.

Constant media exposure can cause body-image problems, insomnia and a feeling of living on stage. Controversy induces panic, fear and guilt, which aggravate an already shaky nervous system.

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Is life better as an actor? I think so. But although the glamour might seem satisfying, working in the industry can make your mental health suffer. Sometimes, filming long hours will lead to stress, fatigue, burnout, or exhaustion.

And depression, anxiety and substance abuse issues result when social media comparison games and scandals reinforce the feelings of inferiority. Attending parties and events provides an opportunity for easy access to drugs and alcohol, and many use these substances as a way to cope with the pressures they face.

There is emerging a wealth of resources for those working in entertainment to help them through these struggles. Producers routinely consult psychologists on the set, to make sure that film and TV accurately and sensitively portrays various forms of mental illness, as well as to do training sessions for their staff about how to approach and deal with these sorts of difficulties. This can create a healthier environment for working. Similarly, spreading awareness about mental illness helps people better understand their symptoms, and makes them feel less alone.


Being in the entertainment industry, with constant media attention and high expectations, work may be rewarding, but is also quite draining on mental health. All of this pressure can be too much to handle and may lead into feeling depressed – a powerful disease that affects literally millions around the globe by zapping one’s energy and sense of optimism, a loss of joy or most definitely, joy.

The treatment of depression could be either through therapy, medication or by self-care methods.The interventions to avoid any further episodes of depression should be made a priority through proper sleep, eating proper meals throughout the day and a daily exercise.Both alcohol and recreational drugs are best avoided as to not worsening your state.

Entertainment industry leaders have taken some baby steps toward increasing mental health awareness, however much more is needed. One organisation that seeks to fight stigma is Behind the Scenes, a foundation that provides resources to help combat mental health issues affecting entertainment professionals, as well as online courses in mental health first aid and peer-to-peer support.


Workers in the entertainment industry often work long hours and even more stressful condition which are known to take a heavy toll on mental health. Obsessed with their work and burdened with the pressures of the task, people who work in showbiz can find themselves prone to pitfalls of anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses that can be crippling to life both inside and outside of work. Those who suffer from anxiety or depression may find it difficult to engage with others. If a person is experiencing anxiety, then it is quite common for them to isolate themselves. This is because the act of leaving the house can induce more fear in those already suffering from an

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